Land Routes ($1000 to $4999)
Water Routes ($500 to $999)
Removal ($100 - $499)
Lawrence Simmons
Melissa Twaroski
Wesley Harris
Leslie Thomas
Rod Wheeler
Mike Nelson
Becky Nelson
Barbara Smith
Cleta Labrie
John Mclarty
Tony Harris
Vicki Rozema
Steven Stanley
Troy Wayne Poteete
Wanda Patterson
Bethany Rosenbaum
Debbie Moore
$100 (continued)
Lea Brit
David Breland
Brick Autry
Judy Sizemore
Sandra Boaz
Sasha Bowles
Jason Irby
Melba Eads
$100 (continued)
Joe Campbell
Sheila Yehi
Sir Glenn Jones
Jeffrey Bibbee
Treaties & Wars (up to $99)
Will Chavez
Mildred Taylor
Ulrike Wiethaus
Sandra Riley
Michael Abram
Darlene Goins
Paul Austin
Nancy Feroe
Joy Montgomery
Laura Spann
Laurie Brockman
Heather Carey
Deloris Wood
Cleata Townsend
Larry Smith
Steve Belko
Erin Whitson
Galen Gritts
Jim Ogden
Deborah Kirk
Bill Wall
Patsy Edgar
Billy Kirk
Odene Kirk
Denise Dowling
Rebekah Cessna
Click the Donate Button to Give Securely
Funds raised by the Society will be initially used to assist with annual conference planning and matching funds for trail exhibit panels. All members are recognized for their membership in the society.
Contributions are deductable as allowed by law. The Trail of Tears Association is a 501(c)(3) organization. Contributions, memorials, and honorariums should be made payable to the Trail of Tears Association/Phoenix Society, and mailed to P.O. Box 329, Webbers Falls, OK 74470.