National Trail of Tears Association - Major Ridge Home

Major Ridge was a leading figure of the Cherokee Nation during the time of Cherokee removal. In 1835, Major Ridge and the Treaty Party signed the Treaty of New Echota, which resulted in Cherokee removal. The historic home of Major Ridge, although greatly altered from the time Major Ridge and his family occupied the house, survived and is managed by the Chieftains Museum Inc. in Rome, Georgia as a museum. In 1973 it became a National Historic Landmark, and in 2002 it became a certified partner on the Trail of Tears National Historic Trail. A year later, a NPS project was funded to complete both a historic structure and a cultural landscape report. Together they are meant to document the history of the house and farm and to provide for the property’s preservation and treatment. The project was initiated by a consulting company and completed by NPS personnel.


Executive Summary 1
Chieftains Museum Mission Statement and Long Range Goals 1
Acknowledgements 2
Research Completed in Preparation of HSR/CLR 5
Recommendations for Further Research 6

Historical Background and Statements of Significance 11
Site History 11
The Ridge Period Historic Context (1814-1839) 26
The Significance of the Chieftains Museum/Major Ridge Home 43


Chronology of Development and Use 55
Introduction 55
The Ridge Period 57
The Ferguson-Verdery Period 67
The Wright Period 71
The Jones-Jeffries Period 72
The Porter Period 78
The Industrial Period 83

Existing Conditions 85
Architectural Description and Analysis 85
Introduction 85
General Comments 85
Character Defining Features 111
Detailed Description and Analysis 112
Interior Finishes and Analysis 233

Evaluation of Integrity 301
Historical Integrity of the Chieftains Museum/Major Ridge Home 301


Chronology of Development and Use 307
Introduction 307
The Ridge Period 308
The Ferguson-Verdery Period 343
The Wright Period 349
The Jones-Jeffries Period 350
The Porter Period 362
The Industrial Period 364

Existing Conditions 377
Landscape Description and Analysis 377
Historic Preservation Report vi


Treatment and Use 439
Treatment Philosophy for the Chieftains Museum/Major Ridge Home 439
Introduction to Treatment Alternatives 441
Treatment Alternatives for the Chieftains Home 443
Treatment Alternatives for the Chieftains Landscape 503
Preferred Treatment 530
Cost Estimates for Chieftains Museum/Major Ridge Home Treatment Alternatives 533
Cost Estimate for Chieftains Museum/Major Ridge Home Landscape Treatment
Alternative 1 536
Treatment Phasing 538
Treatment Documentation 540

References Cited 543

Appendices 575
Appendix A – Title Abstract 575
Appendix B – Window and Door Schedules 611
Appendix C – HABS Level 1 Documentation 619

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National Trail of Tears Association - Major Ridge Home

Major Ridge Home

Major Ridge was a leading figure of the Cherokee Nation during the time of Cherokee removal. In 1835, Major Ridge and the Treaty Party signed the Treaty of New Echota, which resulted in Cherokee removal. The historic home of Major Ridge, although greatly altered from the time Major Ridge and

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