The James Brown Farmstead in Hamilton County, Tennessee, is a certified site on
the Trail of Tears National Historic Trail. In 1973, the property was listed in the
National Register of Historic Places (73001781). In 2006, additional
documentation was submitted and the property was nominated under Criterion A,
B, and C for its association with the Cherokee Trail of Tears (see Appendix A).
Contributing resources of the property include a federal-style brick house, originally
built c. 1838, and the c. 1828 remains of a storehouse and springhouse that are
historically associated with Brown.1 A portion of a historic road bed have been
recently identified within the property. Adjacent to the historic resources are a
number of non-contributing features, including two dairy silos (c. 1940), a milking
shed (c. 1950), dairy barn (c. 1950), and stock barn (c. 1950).
Table of Contents
Introduction (pg 1)
Location (pg 2)
Brief Historical Background and Context (pg 3)
Architectural Description (pg 9)
Preservation Needs Assessment and Recommendations (pg 17)
Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Preservation (pg 17)
Maintenance Schedule and Tips (pg 30)
Funding for Historic Preservation (pg 31)
Appendix (pg 34)
A. National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form (pg 34)
B. James Brown House Historic Preservation Report FY2007 (pg 64)
Endnotes (pg 90)